Shattered Liberty by CruzaderJC
Chapter 4: Mercury Rising


Chapter 1: City of Liberty
Chapter 2: Caught in the Crossfire
Chapter 3: The Bodyguard
Chapter 4: Mercury Rising
Chapter 5: Streets of Rage
Chapter 6: Shadows of the Mafia
Chapter 7: The Fast and the Furious
Chapter 8: Assassins
Chapter 9: Urban Ops
Chapter 10: Retribution
Chapter 11: The StarRock Project
Chapter 12: Last Man Standing
Chapter 13: Shattered Liberty
Chapter 14: Duel of the Fates
Chapter 15: Die Hard
Chapter 16: Showdown
Character Bios

... so as to be able to decide his destiny...


Chapter 4: Mercury Rising

Jack and 8-Ball ate their dinner while watching the news. It was a special on the Zaibatsu pharmaceutical company, and some kind of investigation into one of its over-the-counter drugs, so neither Jack nor 8-Ball paid any particular attention.

"So what's goin' on, Jack?" 8-Ball asked. It seemed he pretended to just be making small talk, but he always seemed particularly interested in Jack's affairs with the Mafia.

"Nothing much for me," Jack shrugged, and continued with the usual trust he had in talking to his best friend, "But there's been a lot going on with the rest of the Clan."

"Yo, I hear you," 8-Ball looked up from his food, "your people hunted down every last one of the Triads involved. The news said more than 10 people were missing, and all of 'em were Triads."

"That was months ago," Jack said, "why do you keep mentioning it? And why do you keep calling them my people? There's something wrong, isn't there, 8-Ball. What is it?"

"Nothing man, its nothing," he looked down and shook his head, "See, its just that I dont wanna see you get yourself into all this. Trust me man, I've seen my share of people like you turn into thugs. You wanted a driver job, and I got it for you. Now suddenly you're an honorary member of the Italian Mafia..."

"I had no choice!" Jack put his fork down, "8-Ball, those Triads were trying to kill Maria. They killed all of her bodyguards. I had no choice but to save us from them. I didnt kill anyone. I just did what I had to do."

8-Ball sighed, "No, no, you're right. Jus' forget about it. Its just that I dont want you to turn into one Salvatore's killers. That's not the Jack I know."

"Don't worry," Jack sat back and paused, "I just hope I never have to deal with anything like that again. How long ago was that anyway? Three months ago... still seems like yesterday to me. I can remember everything..."

"Jack," 8-Ball said with seriousness, "something tells me you won't be able to avoid it. The Mafia hunted down those involved like dogs. The Triads struck back. The Mafia kills a couple more. And so on. It's been like that for the past few weeks. This reminds me too much of the projects, only this is bigger. It's Mafia business. You can think you can avoid it all you want, Jack. But sooner or later, the killin's gonna suck you right in. And..."

Jacks pager went off. Jack looked down to see the message from Don Salvatore himself.

I need you at the mansion now. Important, do not tell anyone.

"Jack?" 8-Ball asked, "Who was it?"

"It's..." Jack fumbled for a name, "Marty Chonks. I forgot that Joey told me I had to deliver a car to his place. I dont mean to leave so suddenly, but I have to go."

8-Ball understood, "Don't worry man, you go ahead. You wouldn't wanna skip out on one of Joey's deliveries. I'll see you around."

Jack went into his room, and dressed himself in record time. He took his gun with him, and bolted out the door. It was a very hot night outside, and Jack remembered the weatherman talking about the mercury rising even more by tomorrow. Jack jumped into his Stallion and drove to the mansion as fast as he could. It was late, and the roads were deserted.

He arrived at the mansion, and went through the usual security formalities. But inside, Jack was quite surprised at the amount of people present. Just about every member of the Mafia was there, and no one really knew why. They were all told to make themselves comfortable for a few hours by Don Salvatore, whose face was grim with anxiousness. He was waiting for someone, or some kind of news.

Jack stepped out into the riverside deck, and leaned against the rail. He observed the beautiful lights of the Staunton Island night skyline across the river. They glimmered into the calm waters. Jack looked up at the moon, which was a gorgeous round juggernaut. It all seemed so peaceful, with the people talking quietly around him, the classical music heard behind him, and the sounds of the busy Staunton area of Liberty City across the river

"It's beautiful isnt it?" came a voice behind him.

Jack turned around to see Maria. He had seen a lot of her lately, as he was assigned as her personal driver since the nightclub incident. She never went out much anymore, so they tended to just stay at the mansion and talk on the deck.

"Maria," Jack smiled at her and motioned for her to join him, "Somehow you find a way to show up every time I stand here."

She laughed and leaned against the railing beside him, "You don't seem to talk much with anyone else."

"Well, sometimes I don't know if I fit in," he said while keeping his gaze on the river, "Your father's friends here all seem friendly, but there's something that makes me feel a little outcast. You know what I mean?"

"Of course," she smiled, "Me of all people should know. I see them come in and out everyday doing their usual thing. They're... the Mafia." she whipsered. "I won't deny it. My brothers and sisters are all finding theyre way into the business, but not me. I don't wanna be part of it. I grew up watching each and everyone of them fall and rise in my fathers eyes.... But y'know... you're not like one of them, Jack... You're different. I can see it."

"But I am. Maria," he said quickly, "the only reason I'm here is because I want to work under your father. Y'know, to make a name for myself. Be well known here in Liberty."

"But I can see it in you." Her eyes stared deeply into his, "It's not for the power, it's... for something else, isn't it?"

Jack was cautious that she would find out about his real objective, so he thought quickly to make something up, but he realized he couldnt lie to Maria. She was smarter than her father and the others. The rest of them were blinded in seeing Jacks usefulness to them. Instead, she was very observant as to his purpose here in Liberty. He couldn't try to outsmart her. She would get too suspicious. He proceeded explaining his partial purpose.

"Maria," I'm not going to lie to you.

"Then what is it? Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?" he looked at her.

"Why am I here?" she thought a moment, "Well, I'm a member of the Leone Family Clan. I belong here."

"Really? Are you really part of the Clan?"

"Of course I am," She looked into the water confused, and then laughed, "Jack, I am the Don's daughter, y'know."

"And all these people here," Jack looked at the Mafia people around, "are they your family?"

Maria paused. "Well... ya they are. Even though I'm not related to most of them, my daddy made them part of the Clan."

"And you still want to be a part of the Clan, right?" Jack continued to question her.

"Of course, Jack, what are you getting at?"

"Why, Maria? Why is being part of the Clan so special?"

"Because, I dunno. I feel safe being part of the family. I've always been part of the family. I dont know what it would be like if I wasn't. Does that make any sense?"

Jack smiled at her, and nodded his head, "I knew you and me were too much alike."

"What do you mean, Jack?" she asked.

"Maria, I don't have a family. The only family I know would be my employers and coworkers. In this case, the Clan is my family. I'm still new here in Liberty, and pretty much on my own. I need to know I have allies. Someone to count on. People who I can take care of, and people who'll take care of me."

"Jack... You know Ill always be there for you, like you were there for me. You saved..."

"Don't do that again. I did what I had to do. That was months ago. You're safe now with the Clan."

"I don't know," she looked to the river, "but something tells me I won't be."

"And why is that?" Jack was reminded of what 8-Ball had spoke to him about before he left.

"I hear a lot of things around here. Rumors. Plans. Everything. I think something's gonna happen tonight. I'm scared. I think daddy's gonna do something. I think more people will die. I'm sick of it. All the killing. That's all they care about now. I'm worried about everyone. I'm scared for my daddy. This is bigger than anything thats ever happened here before. And it's all my fault. If I hadn't gone to that party, then we wouldnt be killing Triads and Triads wouldn't be killing us everyday."

"Maria, stop." Jack looked at her, "It's not your fault. And you shouldn't be scared. I won't let anything happen to you. I'll keep you away from the fighting, if what you say is true."

"Y'see, Jack? You arent like the others. Everyone else is busy with all the killing. You're not like that... At least, not yet"

"What are you talking about?"

"It's just that I've seen others like you. They come into the City just regular people, then they leave as killers."

"Maria, I wont..."

"Don't tell me. Promise me. You won't become like the rest of them... I dont want to lose you to the City..."

"Maria, I..."

"Promise me."

Jack sighed, and paused for a moment, "Alright. I promise you. I won't let Liberty City turn me into a killer."

Maria smiled, "Good."

"Let's forget about all that now," Jack said, "Just look at the riverside with me."

The two of them leaned against the railing together, and gazed at the stunning scenery for a long time. They talked together about many things, like usual. They enjoyed each others company, and considered each other good friends.

About an hour later, Maria had already gone up to her room, and Jack was relaxing on a bench on the deck. Salvatore called most of the biggest mob bosses there into the banquet hall. Jack and the rest of them just waited outside anxiously for some kind of news. One by one, people outside were called in somewhere by the Don. People came out solemn, but with much on their minds. Jack was the only one who didnt know what was going on. People were preparing for something, and he didnt know what.

Joey came to him with a very grave look on his face. He told Jack that he could sleep for the next few hours, and assured him he would get him when he was needed. Jack reluctantly agreed, and went back to his car and napped for a couple hours.

Joey knocked on his window to wake him, in the early morning hours, and they went back into the mansion. Inside, it was eerily empty and quiet. Most of the people had left. Joey told Jack to go into a room, and Joey left him. Jack felt a mixed feeling of anxiousness and fear. Something was up, and he was oblivious to his own role in it.

"Welcome, my boy," Salvatore tiredly said from his chair in the room.

The room was dim lighted, and four well-dressed men with sunglasses surrounded Salvatore. Jack knew who they were. The Hitmen.

"Hey kid," the one in a purple suit said, while taking his sunglasses off and revealing his face in the light, "I'm Don Salvatore's top capo, Toni Cipriani, front man for the Hitmen."

Jack shook hands with the four Hitmen, and had a seat. But he realized something was wrong. He remembered there were five Hitmen.

"You must be wondering where our fifth is?" Toni said, smoking a cigar, "Well, first I gotta tell you what's been goin on around here. We found out recently that Chonky Lee Chong organized the hit on Antonio's pizzeria yesterday. Don Salvatore sent us last night to find out more about the Triads plans against us. We went to Chong's restaurant yesterday and beat the information out of him with our bats. Seems like it was perfect timing, cause tomorrow the Triad warlords are meeting with each other somewhere in Chinatown. Before we got any more details, we got into a bloody mess with some Triads. We whacked all of em, and now their restaurant is pumped full of lead. We barely escaped, and we lost our driver. And that's where you come in..."

Jack knew exactly what Toni was getting at the whole time. The fifth Hitman was dead, and Toni was asking Jack to become the fifth Hitman.

"Jack," Salvatore put his hand on his shoulder, "I'm asking you to be one of the Hitmen, as a personal favor to me, Salvatore Leone, because I know you got what it takes."

"So what'll it be, kid?" Toni said.

 Jack didnt have any choice. He knew better than to go against the wishes of Salvatore Leone. This was Jack's big chance, but he was still reluctant.

"You want me to drive for the Hitmen." Jack went with his emotions, "Alright... Ill do it."

Don Salvatore laughed and gave Jack a hearty pat on the back, "My boy, this is your chance, I know you won't let me down, like you've never let me down."

Toni puffed his cigar some more, "Welcome to the Hitmen, kid" Toni and the Hitmen shook Jack's hand, and he was officially the fifth Hitman.

            Jack was overwhelmed with mixed feelings. He was overjoyed that he made it to such a high position in such little time. But he was fearful of what was to happen in a few hours, because he knew people, many people, would die soon. He also felt guilty, for he was breaking his promise with Maria...

When you make a story like this, the world and its wife will try to wrestle it away from you. So that's why I plan to hunt down anyone who tries to.