Shattered Liberty by CruzaderJC
Chapter 7: The Fast and the Furious


Chapter 1: City of Liberty
Chapter 2: Caught in the Crossfire
Chapter 3: The Bodyguard
Chapter 4: Mercury Rising
Chapter 5: Streets of Rage
Chapter 6: Shadows of the Mafia
Chapter 7: The Fast and the Furious
Chapter 8: Assassins
Chapter 9: Urban Ops
Chapter 10: Retribution
Chapter 11: The StarRock Project
Chapter 12: Last Man Standing
Chapter 13: Shattered Liberty
Chapter 14: Duel of the Fates
Chapter 15: Die Hard
Chapter 16: Showdown
Character Bios

He must take matters into his own hands...

Jack spent the entire early morning at the police station being interrogated over and over again. Hours later, he checked the clock on the wall saying 10 AM. He was fed a large breakfast as he waited. Soon, a man in a tie and jacket, and two police officers walked in.

"How many times do I have to say this?" Jack said impatiently and tiredly, "I don't know anything."

"I know you don't," said the man in the tie and jacket, "it's alright, you can wait outside the door," he said to the police officers. He brought his hand forth to shake Jack's, "I'm Detective Richard Tanner."

Jack plainly shook his hand, "What do you mean you know I didn't?"

"Well," he took out some papers from a folder he carried, "our investigation recently indentified a Mr. Leroy Vance as the prime suspect in the murder..."

"WHO IS HE?!" Jack sat forward and slammed the table.

He understood Jack being emotional and responded calmly, "We are looking into the situation right now, and we should..."

"SO YOU DON'T HAVE HIM YET?" Jack yelled at Tanner.

"No, we don't," he gave an assuring wave at an officer who came in from Jack's yelling, "It's okay, we're fine."

Jack sat back and sighed, "When do you think you'll find this guy?"

"I can't say right now," he put the papers back in the folder and paused to figure out what to say, "Listen... you're free to go now. We just need you to fill out some paperwork before you go... I'm sorry for all this inconvenience. I understand how you must be feeling right now for your friend..."

"Thank you," Jack said absently.

"We're going to do everything we can to find this guy," Tanner said, "Don't worry, we'll handle this. It was nice meeting you. If you need anything, you can call me at this number," he slid his card to Jack across the table.

Jack gave him a nod, "Thanks," he said tiredly.

Detective Tanner left the room, and minutes later, Jack was given some papers to sign. He filled it with fake information, because he knew the police wouldn't get on his back too much once they realized he was a part of the Leone Clan. He left the station and realized it was sunny outside. He had called Salvatore before, and there was a limo waiting for Jack in front of the station. He got in and arrived at the Leone mansion. Jack was angry, and hoped Salvatore knew something about this Leroy Vance.

The inside of the house was still being cleaned up from Vinnie's blood from last night. Jack had forgotten all about that. He went straight to Salvatore's study, where he was talking with Vince.

"Jack," Salvatore looked up, "Vince, if you'd excuse us."

Vince nodded, and put his hand on Jack's shoulder, "I'm sorry to hear about 8-Ball."

"Thank you," Jack said, remembering that Vince had just lost his brother last night.

"Jack, Jack, sit," Salvatore motioned, "My deepest condolences. Everything has been crazy lately..."

"Do you know who Leroy Vance is?" Jack immediately questioned.

"Yes, yes I do." Salvatore nodded slowly.

"Why did he... kill 8-Ball?" Jack asked demandingly.

"Well," Salvatore leaned back in his larage chair, "from what we know, Leroy Vance is a gang member for the Purple Nines over in Shoreside. He's one of their richer members. Apparently we found out he has... well, he had ties with the Forelli's. They basically raised him. During the gang war in Shoreside a few years ago, 8-Ball was with the Red Jacks against the Purple Nines. We don't know why Vance struck now, but we're guessing he took advantage of the crisis we're in, as an opportunity to take revenge on either 8-Ball, or the Leone's, or probably both."

Jack was listening intently, "So how do I find him?"

"You can't," Salvatore said, "But there's this guy D-Ice that might be able to help you out. He's one of the Red Jacks leaders. If anyone can help you find Leroy, it's D-Ice."

"Where do I find D-Ice?" Jack was becoming anxious with the drive to find 8-Ball's killer.

"He's a regular at the Diablo street races," Salvatore said, "You compete in those with Joey's cars, right?"

"Just quarter-mile races." Jack said, "I've never met D-Ice."

"Well then you must've heard of his reputation," Salvatore said, "He's the frequent Liberty City champion for those city-wide Turismos. Lucky for you, there's one going on this weekend. I'll bet my money he'll show up."

"Good," Jack said, "I'll find him there and he'll help me find Vance?"

"No," Salvatore said, "It's a little more complicated than that. D-Ice is all about respect. He won't give you the time of day unless he thinks you deserve his help."

"Then how do I win his respect?" Jack asked.

"You're going to have to compete in that Turismo this weekend," Salvatore said, "If you manage to do well, he just might be willing to help you out. I've arranged everything with Joey. When you're up to it, you should head on over and Joey will handle the rest."

Jack stood up, "I'm going over there right now. Thank you Don Salvatore."

"No need for thanks, my boy," Salvatore took a sip of wine, "I want 8-Ball's killer dead too, and I figured you'd want to find him more than anyone else. Good luck. If you need any help, just call, and I'll take care of everything for you."

Jack went back into the Limo and todl the driver to bring him to Joey's Repair Shop. After he gave the driver a tip, he went inside, and passed the usual security formalities.

"Jack," Joey wheeled out from under a BF Injection he was working on, "I heard about 8-ball. He was a good man..."

"Thanks," Jack said, "I want to find his killer..."

"My pop told me the whole story," Joey said, "Don't worry, Diego will help you handle the Turismo race. Diego!"

"Boss?" Diego came from another room.

"Jack, this is Diego," Joey said.

"Hi, nice to meet you," Diego said, "I'm... uh... sorry about..."

"Nice to meet you too," Jack cut the condolence off and shook his hand. Jack had seen Diego around the shop, but never really met him before.

"Diego here," Joey said, "He's the best mechanic in Liberty. The only one who's been able to stand up to D-Ice's machines. Diego won third place two months ago in the Turismo. And you're shooting for second place. You won't win, trust me. Beating D-Ice just isn't a possibility..."

"Actually..." Diego said, "Follow me."

The three went into a small garage, where a blue tarp covered a car in the middle. Diego took the cover off, revealing a highly modified Infernus.

Diego stood there smiling, watching Joey and Jack marvel at the car, "I've been working on this car for months. I call it the Furious."

"Furious?" Joey asked, "So this is the "project" you keep telling me about."

"Exactly," Diego said, "It's just about done, and Jack can race it this weekend. It's sure to compete well even against D-Ice."

Jack visited the Repair Shop everyday that week working with Diego, putting the finishing touches on the car. By Friday night, the car was ready to race. That night, Jack drove the Furious, and Diego sat in the passenger seat, looking at the map and going over the Turismo with Jack one last time. They had spent days training Jack for this, and Jack was a good driver, but it was still a little rushed.

"Okay," Diego said, "One last time, the race starts at Hepburn Heights and ends in Wichita Gardens. It's going to take you about a half an hour, not considering any surprises along the way. Remember, the Turismo is dangerous. A lot can happen out there. Gangs all over the city love to leave little presents for the rival drivers. Just be careful. I'm sure you can do this."

"Thanks," Jack said, "I'm glad you didn't say "good luck" like everyone else does."

"What's wrong with "good luck?"" Diego asked.

"I don't like relying on luck," Jack said, "I don't like the idea of not being able to control what I want to be and what I want to get done."

The race started at exactly 3 AM. All drivers who arrived late or early would not be able to participate, and would probably be arrested anyway. The time and location for the Turismo had to be different and exact, or the police would arrive there and cancel the illegal racing.

Jack pulled the red Infernus, the Furious, up to the spot. All the racers were there. Diego spotted D-Ice's blue Infernus, the Inferno. El Burro himself showed up in a helicopter.

"A helicopter?" Jack was surprised.

"Yup" Diego said casually, "Once he lets down a green sheet, then we go."

Surely enough, El Burro three down a long green sheet and Jack hit the accelerator. There were about 6 or 7 other cars in the race, and most took different routes. Jack took the route Diego told him to take that actually went around Portland. Two other cars took this route too, and one was a little farther ahead of Jack.

Jack felt the adrenaline pumping, but even at his high speed, he kept control of his car. Once they arrived at an open stretch of empty road, Jack zoomed past the car ahead of him. The Furious was undoubtedly better than most of the other cars in the race. He kept heading toward the Callahan Bridge at full speed, screeching around corners, and ripping up the silence of the night. Driving at his velocity, he still managed to catch some people standing on the sidewalks actually watching the race. He couldn't tell if they were cheering him on, or even trying to sabotage his car, so he did his best to keep the car away from bystanders.

He started to close in on the Callahan Bridge, and other racers came out of nowhere from all sides. 4 of them all were relatively heading toward the Callahan side-by-side. Jack heard shooting, and Diego yelled for Jack to slow down. Jack eased quickly on the brakes, and the three other drivers pulled away. Jack realized one driver was shooting at the other, as he saw the car's tires give out and crash into a nearby store.

It was only Jack and the two other cars now. The one that shot the other car was far ahead, and reached the bridge first, but Jack realized some people were waiting on the bridge, and he saw fire come out of their guns and shred the racer's car apart. The car spun out of control, and blocked the entrance to the bridge that Jack and the other racer were heading to. Jack was right next to the other racer, and knew that only one of them could fit through a small opening left.

Jack floored the pedal, and zoomed ahead of the other car just in time to squeeze through the space without hititing anything. Diego next to him held on for dear life, and let out a giant sigh of relief when they made it. Jack looked at his rearview mirror and saw the other car scrape the side of the bridge and swerve.

Jack bounded down the open bridge and saw up ahead two more cars. Diego identified one of them as D-Ice's Inferno. Jack easily caught up with them as they turned into a Staunton road. Staunton Island was much more populated, even late night, so Jack was careful not to hit anyone or any cars. The yellow racer that wasn't the Inferno actually hit a woman walking across the street.

"He just hit someone!" Jack said while still focused on driving. Diego didn't respond.

The three of them revved down the highly lit and busy Staunton street. The street was full of bars and clubs, and people just stoping to see three cars race by. Jack carefully avoided Taxis and other cars in the way. The yellow racer nearly ran over more people, and bumped a few cars, but it still managed to keep up with the Furious and Inferno. Jack was amazed at how skillfully D-Ice manuevered down the streets.

Suddenly, another car came from another street and took the lead on the three. This black racer accelerated ahead, as they reached the next bridge. Jack, the yellow racer, and D-Ice all managed to catach up to the black racer, who's car was not as fast. This bridge was a large U-Turn, and Diego warned Jack not to go too fast.

The black car fell behind, but suddenly Jack heard something like an explosion, and the black racer shot past all of them, with a trail of fire coming out the exhaust pipe.

"He's using compressed gas," Diego said, "but don't worry, it'll burn out his engine. He used it too early."

They didn't need to wait for the black car's engine to fail, since it was going so fast that it came up to the U-Turn and tried to turn at it's high speed, but instead flipped over several times and even went over the wall. Jack didn't dwell on the crash so much, since he needed to concentrate on making the turn, while maintaining just enough speed. All three cars skidding along the U-Turn, and all came close to hitting the wall. The Inferno blasted ahead by the time they made it onto the bridge.

Ironically, the bridge was going up for a boat going by, and the three cars made it just in time before the platform started raising. The Inferno was ahead, so Jack sped over the gap that the bridge's raising was starting to make. He didn't think the yellow car behind him would make it, but it did, hitting the ground with a thud and sparks.

The three cars were in Shoreside Vale, and it would be only a matter of time before they reached Wichita Gardens. There were many twists and turns, but Jack and the yellow racer managed to catch up to the Inferno.

They were only a few blocks from Wichita, when the Inferno's engine seemed to explode. It spun out of control and stopped in the middle of the street behind them. The yellow car managed to gain over Jack's car, when Jack saw a bottle lobbed at the car ahead by a gang on the street. He knew exactly what it was and tried to avoid the bottle, and it hit the side of the Furious. The windshield shattered near Diego, and he screamed as glass scraped his face.

"Diego!" Jack tried to stay calm and maintain his speed. He knew if he stopped, the gangs would descend on them. "Just hold on!"

He couldn't see with all the fire on the car, and realized the car might explode any second, so he spun the car to a stop near a store, checked for any assailants, and carried Diego out. His face and neck were severely cut by the glass and burned by the fire. Jack busted down the store door and put Diego down in a far corner.

"Jack," Diego said, "I... can't see"

Jack's heart was beating heavily for worry over Diego, and the fear the gangs would be at the store any minute. Jack had no weapons to defend them with. "Diego," Jack said, "just hang on, we have to keep moving. I'll take you to somewhere safe."

Jack heard the ruckus of people approaching the store, and picked up Diego. He kicked open the back door, and went out the Fire Exit. The alarm rang, but he didn't care. He was in a dark alley, and ran down carrying Diego. He looked behind him, and far down one end of the alley were a group of people shouting.

Jack immediately saw the gunfire emanate from that direction, and he dived behind a garbe bin. The bullets periodically popped against the bin, but none had hit Jack or Diego. Jack didn't know what to do. He was alone with an injured friend in territory where he couldn't get help from the Leone Clan. He frantically thought about what to do as he heard the gang members getting closer.

A car appeared from the other end of the alley, and sped toward Jack's position. Now Jack thought he was cornered. There was no where left to run or hide. Suddenly, people got out of the car and fired guns toward the other end of the alley.

"Get in!" said one of them holding an AK.

Jack immediately realized who they were. The were all wearing Red Jackets. The Red Jacks. Jack picked up Diego and ran to the car, under the cover of the Red Jack's fire. He tossed Diego into the car, and ducked behind the seats, with the bullets still flying everywhere. Soon, the Red Jacks got back into the car and they drove away and some bullets hit the car. The Red Jacks all checked if the other ones were alright.

"How's Diego doing?" the man in the passenger seat turned around to Jack.

"He's been burned and cut badly," Jack said, "He needs to get to a hospital."

"No time for that," the man said, "we're hitting the Nines now."

"Who are you?" Jack said.

"Oh, right," he said, "The name's D-Ice. Salvatore told me the whole story with 8-Ball. Don't worry, we're getting Vance now. We were gonna wait 'till tomorrow night, but they really did it messing up the Inferno."

"What about Diego?" Jack asked.

"He's gonna have to come along for the ride." D-Ice handed Jack the AK he was holding, "You know how to use one of these?"

"...Ya, why would I need it?" Jack took the gun cautiously.

"I told you," D-Ice said, "We're hitting the Nines' base now. Don't worry, the rest of the Jacks are there already. We need as much heat as we can get, so help us out, and we can nail Vance."

Jack nodded in agreement, but everything was just happening too fast. Just a few minutes ago he was in a high speed race against D-Ice, and now he was one of D-Ice's thugs, holding an automatic gun in his hands.

Jack already heard the shooting. It was a parking garage, and the car stopped abruptly, as bullets hit it from everywhere. They opened the doors and spilled out, hiding behind pillars and parked cars. Jack followed D-Ice, hiding behind a pillar.

The shooting was everywhere. Jack could barely hear over the sounds. It painfully reminded him of the Chinatown incident months earlier. It seemed like the Red Jacks were on the entrance side of the parking garage, and were trying to advance toward the other side held by the Purple Nines. Jack tried to peak around a corner, when bullets dangerously hit the wall near his face.

He shook the dust off his face from the cement pillar, and pressed his back against it. He sat down and looked around cautiously. Everyone was shooting at someone else, and Jack was afraid the Red Jacks wouldn't know which side he was on. By now D-Ice had gone off somewhere else, and another Red Jack went down next to him.

Jack took the Red Jack's jacket and peeked around again. The Purple Nines were advancing and getting closer. The Red Jacks were outnumbered and going down like flies. Jack had not even shot back yet, so the Purple Nines barely knew he was there. Jack looked around and saw that only about a dozen Red Jacks were left.

Jack suddenly snapped back to reality and realized he didn't want to get involved in this gunfight. He didn't even know if Vance was here. He had to get back to the car and get Diego. The car was a distance away, and the Nines were too close. He would get hit if he tried to get across now.

He heard a Purple Nine take cover on the other side of the same pillar he was hiding behind. If Jack didn't act now, he would definitely die. So he realized he had no other choice.

The Purple Nine on the other side began to advance, and Jack spun around and released a fury of bullets into him. He grabbed the Nine, and used him as a human shield as he shot out the rest of his AK clip at the Purple Nines. The Nines were all caught off guard and scrambled for cover. Jack tried his best to shoot their limbs, and got three in the legs. Jack was running while shooting and holding the dead Nine in front of him. Jack felt the Nine pulsing while getting popped with more bullets. Blood was everywhere.

Jack ran out of bullets before he could get to the car, and hid behind another pillar. He found a shotgun nearby and started firing at guns that were shooting at him from everywhere. He realized he was the only one left fighting against the Purple Nines. The rest had made it inside the building, or were dead. Jack was the only one left in the garage fighting.

Jack knew he was caught in an impossible situation once again that day. He picked up the shotgun and shot in every direction the enemy was. The bullets started getting close from one assailant, so Jack rolled on the ground while shooting his shotgun. He came to the car, and jumped in.

The car had bulletholes everywhere. Diego hit been hit numerous times. He was dead, but Jack knew he had to keep moving. He jumped out the other window, shooting his shotgun in mid-air, hitting a Nine running at him. Jack picked up that Nine's AK and hid behind another pillar. He was in range of an unsuspecting Nine, and took him down with a few shots.

Jack felt more confident and energetic with each kill, but he knew not to let it get the best of him. He continued being cautious battling the rest of the Nines. He took down two more, and it became noticeable when the gunfire fired at him was less.

Jack had has back pressed against the wall, and saw a Nine through the sideview mirror of a car nearby. Just as Jack turned around to take down another one, more gunshots erupted on the other side of the garage. The Nine was startled, and Jack took advantage of that by shooting his legs out. Jack took his gun and went to see what all the shooting was about.

There were about 5 different cars with people shooting at the Nines now. What surprised Jack was that they weren't Red Jacks. They couldn't be cops either. They all had state-of-the-art M4 Assault Rifles, and completely wasted the rest of the Purple Nines.

"Jack," said a voice, "come out. We're here to help."

Jack didn't trust them, so he remained hiding behind a pillar. Jack looked around at all the havoc that had just ensued. How many people he killed. He hoped he wouldn't have to go against this new unknown group.

"Jack," said the voice again, "come on, the cops are gonna be here any second. Listen, Maria and Vince sent us."

Maria and Vince? Jack popped his head out for a split second, and realized none of the men were pointing weapons at him. He gave in and stepped out with his arms in the air.

"Who are you?" Jack said. "How do you know Maria and Vince? You don't look like Leones."

They didn't. They all wore colorful blazers. Definitely not Leones. Or if they were, they were definitely trying not to be. Jack walked over to them, as they piled into their cars. One walked over and impatiently gestured for Jack to hurry up.

"What part of cops are gonna be here any second don't you understand?", he said.

"Tell me who you are." Jack demanded.

"Vercetti." he said, "Tommy Vercetti."


The project is underway...