Shattered Liberty by CruzaderJC
Chapter 15: Die Hard


Chapter 1: City of Liberty
Chapter 2: Caught in the Crossfire
Chapter 3: The Bodyguard
Chapter 4: Mercury Rising
Chapter 5: Streets of Rage
Chapter 6: Shadows of the Mafia
Chapter 7: The Fast and the Furious
Chapter 8: Assassins
Chapter 9: Urban Ops
Chapter 10: Retribution
Chapter 11: The StarRock Project
Chapter 12: Last Man Standing
Chapter 13: Shattered Liberty
Chapter 14: Duel of the Fates
Chapter 15: Die Hard
Chapter 16: Showdown
Character Bios

A hero for the City...

Chapter 15


Chapter 15: Die Hard


            All I need to know right now is that the Destroyer soldiers, a genetically enhanced army of thousands of mercenaries, are taking over major cities all over the world, led by a small but deadly force of superhumans known as the StarRock soldiers. Liberty City is no exception. Out there, the LCPD and the citizens of Liberty are fighting to take back their city.


            But as for me, I'm stuck in the Kasen Corp. building, which was taken over by a battalion Destroyer soldiers and the ultimate StarRock soldier Hyaku Kasen. Theyve taken everyone in the building hostage. People are dead. Tommy Vercetti, Vince, and Maria Leone are dead. Salvatore Leone, the mastermind of this whole plot, is dead. Our last hope is that Dr. Daniel Doak is still alive and unfound. He is somewhere in this building hiding. Without him, Hyaku will die in a matter of hours when he biological engine runs out of energy. Without Doak, we might not stand a chance against his own creations.


            My mission is to find Dr. Doak before the Destroyer and StarRock soldiers do. I have to try to take back this building. Let's see... All I have is this knife... drenched in the blood of my friends and enemies... thats all I've got... and hope. Thats all I need to know...


            Jack took a deep breath as the elevator doors opened. Jack held the knife tightly and was prepared for anything. The sounds of excessive gun fighting could be heard from somewhere in the building




            "Stick it to him, boys!" Kang ordered.


5 SWAT team members hid behind hotel room doors and fired down the hallway. Dust and wall parts flew all over the place and little could be seen in the cloud of debris far down the hallway where they were shooting. Detectives Richard Tanner and Nick Kang stayed behind to conserve their pistol ammo, but kept their guns drawn in the direction of the enemy.


            The seven of them were locked in a battle with one man. However, he was no ordinary man. He was a StarRock soldier named James Vercetti. With one pistol, he was able to form a standoff with the SWAT team, and even managed to kill 4 of them.


            "Hold your fire!" Tanner yelled, from behind an open door, while pointing his gun at the cloud of debris down the hallway.


            "Did we get him?" a SWAT member asked, breaking the maddening silence.


            "AGH!" Another SWAT member grunted as one gun shot rang out close to them. He fell out of the door, revealing Vercetti walking out from behind him, putting a bullet to another nearby SWAT soldier's forehead.


            Nick Kang took cover, but blindfired his two pistols in Vercetti's direction. "How'd he get so close?!"


            Tanner assumed Vercetti must have somehow busted through the walls of several rooms as they were shooting down the hallway. After all, Vercetti proved himself to be somewhat of a superhuman. He was getting closer now, and Tanner heard another SWAT get hit. He looked at Kang, who was taking cover from the doorway across his. They both shared a look of hopelessness as James Vercetti was getting closer.


            Suddenly, gunshots rang out from far down the hallway, behind Vercetti. Tanner peeked out quickly to see Vercetti amazingly diving forward, away from them, while shooting two submachine guns he picked up from the dead SWATs. But he was shooting at someone far down the hallway, away from Tanner and Kang and the one remaining SWAT named O'Neil. The mystery shooter or shooters from the other end of the hallway had Vercetti trapped. They were shooting from one side, and Kang, Tanner, and O'Neil blindfired at Vercetti from the other.


            Who are the guys shooting at Vercetti? Tanner thought.


            After spreading out his arms to shoot in both directions, Vercetti spun around while shooting his two submachine guns at the ground around him. Shooting at the ground while spinning formed a circle of bullet holes around him, breaking the stability of the ground he stood on. Just as Tanner, Kang, and O'Neil were coming out to shoot him, Vercetti fell through the hole he created while shooting his guns in both directions as he fell spinning.


            Tanner stood there, aiming his gun at the hole with caution, but he was still amazed at the way the StarRock soldier moved. He acknowledged the mystery shooters from down the hallway and pointed his gun in that direction, not knowing what to expect.


            "Identify yourselves!" Tanner yelled down the battle-ruined hallway. No response came. He figured it must have been one or more remaining SWAT soldiers, because they helped them fighting Vercetti. "Who are you? Are you hit?"


            "There's no time for that," Kang said, approaching the hole in the ground slowly. "We've got to follow Vercetti."


            "Sir," O'Neil spoke up, "We're no match for him. There's only three of us."


            "But he's hit." Kang said, pointing to blood on the floor, "I saw Vercetti get hit when he did that... ridiculously... amazing, figure skater... thingy to the ground. He was hit a couple times from those guys from down the hallway, and I think I hit him too."


            The three looked down the hole and a trail of blood ran down the floor downstairs.


            "Well," Tanner said, "He's hit, but how badly?"


            "Only one way to find out," Kang said, spontaneously diving into the hole to the hallway downstairs, and rolling as he hit the ground. He pointed his two pistols toward the trail of blood. "He headed for the stairs! Come on!"


            O'Neil and Tanner nodded to each other and jumped in after Kang, forgetting about the mystery shooters from down the hallway...




            Jack was lying behind a wall that led into the hotel room hallway from the elevators. Only his head and the assault rifle he had picked up were protruding from behind the wall. He watched through his sight as the two detectives and SWAT soldier jumped into the hole that the StarRock soldier made. He got up and slowly walked down the hallway, observing the carnage that ensued before he arrived.


            He was sure he hit the StarRock soldier a few times, but there was something familiar about the StarRock soldier that Jack couldnt put his finger on, because he was too far to identify.  He brushed that away from his mind, when he heard a familiar voice from a few rooms behind him.




            Jack turned around to see Dr. Doak, fumbling with a battle sword he pointed at him. Jack was almost overjoyed to see Dr. Doak, and put down his gun.


            "Doak..." Jack sighed in relief, "So they didnt find you..." yet.


            "No, no," Doak laughed nervously, "I've been running and hiding for hours now. I thought they finally found me, so I hid under the bed in one of these hotel rooms." He stopped to look past Jack at all the dead Destroyer and SWAT soldiers. "So, wh... Oh my God..."


            "Doak," Jack interrupted the observance of the carnage, "Does that thing work?"


Jack pointed at the battle sword Doak was holding. He remembered the presentation in Antarctica months back, seeing the high-tech battle sword in all its glory. To the ignorant eye, it just looked like a gray baton, but in reality, it was a powerfully essential weapon in the fight against the enemy. It had the ability to manipulate metallic objects as big as an android and as small as a bullet. It could carry objects in mid-air, and even deflect bullets.


"Oh yes. Its the only one we managed to create in time." Doak said proudly.


"Hyaku is downstairs with the battle sword from the StarRock facility." Jack said, "Hold onto that though. I need you alive and I need you to stay with me. Only you know how to kill those StarRock soldiers."


"Where's everyone else?" Doak asked, gulping at the sight of blood oozing from a dead SWATs body.


"Dunno," Jack said, "They took the rest of the Alliance hostage. Hyaku's got this place on lockdown. Destroyer soldiers were all over the building fighting SWAT teams. God knows who's still standing after that... Me and Tommy were taken upstairs and found out Salvatore Leone was behind all this..."


"Wait..." Doak scrunched up his face in confusion, "...WHAT?!"


"Forget it," Jack shook his head, "Its a long story. Bottom line is that I'm the only one who came out of there alive. Now that I found you, we have to deal with Hyaku and that other StarRock soldier in here."


"I was monitoring the news this morning, Doak said, "I've counted the number of StarRock soldiers reported in other cities. Only two were unaccounted for. They were Hyaku Kasen and James Vercetti."


Jack was surprised to hear that name, "James Vercetti? That must have been him I just saw..." Jack suddenly remembered James dying in his arms a few years ago, asking Jack not to let them make him a StarRock experiment. It was ironic that Jack just witnessed his cousin Tommy Vercetti die just minutes before.


"So what do we do now?" Dr. Doak asked, gripping his battle sword tightly.


"See that hole over there?" Jack said, "Vercetti just jumped down there running from a couple of cops. They're gonna need backup. If what you say is true, and only James Vercetti and Hyaku are the only StarRock soldiers here, we need to knock off Vercetti before we try and take back this building."


"That's a good idea," Doak said, "It may not be so impossible to do either. James Vercetti was regenerated to life, but he didn't get significant upgrades in time. Well be able to take him with this battle sword, just as long as Hyaku doesnt show up."


"Then we'd better get a move on," Jack said, "He might be trying to meet up with him. Come on, we're gonna go follow them. Cover me with the battle sword."


"Don't worry," Doak said, looking down at the baton, "No bullets are gonna get near us."


"Good," Jack said, "Let's hope those cops slowed Vercetti down for us..."




"I'll cover you!" ONeil yelled, spinning around to fire in the general direction of Vercetti.


Kang ran across the large, brightly lit laboratory. He dove behind a table as Vercetti simultaneously double-flipped behind a pillar while shooting his pistol. Tanner, O'Neil, and a surviving SWAT named Chavez all fired at James Vercetti.


The four of them had Vercetti pushed further into the laboratory area. Vercetti was clearly hit and moving slower than before, but still managed to put up a fight. When Chavez's team moved in to help them, Vercetti killed 3 of them. Chavez, Kang, O'Neil, and Tanner kept James Vercetti pinned down with caution. Kang was going around and sneak up on Vercetti's unguarded side. If they couldn't defeat his abilities, then they'd just have to surround him and overwhelm him, like when the mystery shooter helped them attack Vercetti from both sides.


Tanner saw his partner Kang hiding behind the desk with his two guns drawn. Kang nodded to him, and Tanner relayed the nod to O'Neil and Chavez. They laid down excessive cover fire at the pillar Vercetti was hiding behind, and he amazingly blindfired at a group of flammable chemicals near them that exploded with his one shot.


"Ahhh!" O'Neil yelled.


O'Neil's SWAT uniform caught on fire from the explosion as the ceiling and ground crumbled around them. James Vercetti spun out in their confusion and fired at more chemicals that caused the ground under ONeil to collapse, and the explosions threw Tanner and Chavez back.


The water sprinklers came on and Kang used that to kick himself out from under the table and slide across the floor while shooting his two pistols at James Vercetti. The dangerously close range forced Vercetti to dodge the bullets with unbelievable agility. Vercetti missed two shots at Kang and ran out of bullets. Kang managed one shot to Vercetti's leg, as Vercetti stomped down on Kang's wrist and kicked the gun out of the other.


Kang kept firing the one gun he held onto, but Vercetti dodged the remaining bullets. When the gun clicked empty, Kang tried to trip Vercetti, but he did a back flip while grabbing the other gun he kicked away from Kang.


Tanner was pressed against the wall from the blast and came to his senses just in time to look up and, in seemingly slow motion, helplessly watch Vercetti put a bullet to Kang's head...


"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tanner yelled, watching Kang's head explode back on impact.


Vercetti turned to see Tanner and grinned. He was about to shoot him when he quickly sensed the laser sight of Chavezs gun on his chest. In a split second, Vercetti jumped back, avoiding the bullets that Chavez shot at him, while popping a bullet into Chavez's chest. Vercetti squeezed the trigger to finish off Chavez, when it clicked empty.


Tanner, in a rage, quickly looked from Chavez going down to Kangs dead body. In anger, brought up his pistol and aimed it at Vercetti, who was doing a back flip to find cover. Tanner missed and Vercetti continued to do another acrobatic move since he had no bullets.


As he dodged more of Tanner's bullets, Vercetti jumped off his good leg and used the same leg to kick a set of chemical flasks in Tanners direction. Tanner took quick cover and spun around to fire again at Vercetti. He fired one shot and the gun clicked empty.


Vercetti quickly went to find his gun. Tanner, in a panic, slid out his empty clip and went to put in a new one. Vercetti stood there in the open and was already reloading his gun. Vercetti and Tanner were in a race to reload first, but Tanner won. He quickly stretched out his arm and aimed at Vercetti, who just popped in the new clip. There was no time to miss.


Tanner squeezed off the shot while yelling, still in burning anger over the death of his best friend. Vercetti was just about to fire his gun when Tanner's bullet hit him square in the chest. Tanner continued to yell and shoot while walking slowly toward him.


Vercetti was still standing but each bullet pushed him back and brought him closer to death. He blindly fired his gun into the air as he went down. Tanner was directly over his body, still firing at Vercetti's torso. He was dead, but Tanner kept squeezing the trigger until it repeatedly clicked empty.


He looked down at the bloody Vercetti with overwhelming contempt. Vercetti killed so many LCPD that day. How he did it still eluded Tanner, but he didn't care. All he cared about was picking up Vercetti's gun and firing two final shots into Vercetti's forehead, just to make sure he was dead. Blood was splattered everywhere around Vercetti's body. Chavez came up behind Tanner and put his hand on his shoulder and Tanner instinctively brought the gun to Chavez's head.


"Easy, easy..." Chavez tiredly said, with his hands in the air, "He's dead..."


Tanner put the gun down and was breathing heavily. He looked over at his dead partner Nick Kang and his heart sank from the grim reality of it all.


"You're right," Tanner said, dropping gun and tearing his gaze away from the gruesome image of his murdered best friend, "...He's dead..."


Tanner sat against a nearby cabinet and put his head down on his arms resting on his bent knees. The water from the sprinklers dripped down his face. Chavez looked at the dead Vercetti one more time and then left Tanner to grieve. Chavez went to the area of explosion to check if O'Neil was still alive. The battle to defeat James Vercetti was over, but the war to take back the building was still looming...





"Cover me!" Jack yelled.


Doak came out around Jack and lifted his battle sword to block incoming bullets. The gunfire was intense as the bullets flew by Doak and Jack. Jack used Doak as his cover and fired from behind him. They had been battling down the hallway that led to the main security room. The Destroyer soldiers had the hallway on high security and managed to activate sentry guns on the ceiling and guard androids.


Jack had already killed dozens of Destroyer soldiers that endlessly piled out of the security room. The androids that marched out were easily disabled by Doak's battle sword's electromagnetic wave. The sentry guns that came down from the ceiling almost annihilated Jack and Doak, were it not for the battle sword. Doak simply used it to turn the guns around and make them fire at the Destroyer soldiers.


The two of them neared the security room and leaned against the walls to the entrance. They nodded to each other and Doak stepped in first. Grenades were shot at them, but Doak quickly swung his battle sword to turn them back on their enemies. He quickly resumed deflecting all the incoming bullets. Jack then made easy targets of his enemies.


After the gunfire settled, they stood there breathing heavily, but listening intently to make sure all the Destroyer soldiers were gone. After a few minutes, they slowly made it to the middle of the large control room. Many computer terminals were destroyed from gunfire, but Doak managed to bring up the giant computer screen on the wall. He didn't put down his battle sword and typed rapidly with one hand.


"Okay," Doak pointed at the screen, "I checked the thermal scan. This room is clear. I can't seem to bring up the thermal scan anywhere else in the building though. A lot of connections have been ruined... Ah, security cameras are up in some places."


The giant screen on the wall brought up an impressive 3D model of the Kasen Corp. building. It zoomed in on the different rooms as Doak scrolled through the building until he stopped at the room where Hyaku was holding all the hostages. He tried to access the security cameras there, but it read error.


"Hyaku definitely isn't that stupid," Doak said, "He probably used his battle sword to wipe out any of the fiber optic cameras I had placed there... Oh wait... the lab..." The 3D model zoomed down to the 2nd sub-floor. "The thermal scans are working here."


Jack looked at the screen where several red figures were walking around the lab with guns. He figured they were all Destroyer soldiers. One was sitting down with wires attached to him.


"Hyaku..." Doak said, "Its him... he's recharging already!"


"Can you cut off power to the lab?" Jack asked forcefully.


"Yes... yes I can," Doak said as he put down his battle sword to type. He typed furiously for several minutes, trying to break into the building's security codes. "Oh my God... Hyaku isnt letting me. He's connected his neurochip to the building's mainframe. He knows what were trying to do."


"Just keep trying." Jack said.


"Maybe if I just..." Doak began to say, when he froze. He quickly grabbed his battle sword. "They're here!"


Jack brought up his assault rifle as more than a dozen Destroyer soldiers jumped down from the ceiling. Jack and Doak had targeting lasers focused on them from all sides. They stood back to back as the Destroyer soldiers surrounded them. They were there to prevent them from shutting down power to Hyaku's regeneration.


Jack quickly spun around and pulled Doak with him. They spun in a circle as Jack fired his assault rifle from under Doak's armpit. Doak's battle sword forced the Destroyer soldiers guns to point upward, and also blocked all incoming bullets. Jack took out several Destroyer soldiers, and some bullets that were deflected even hit soldiers on opposite sides. There were about 4 Destroyer soldiers left when Jack and Doak ran out of momentum.


Jack pushed Doak toward a computer mainframe, where Doak crouched and hid behind the protective shield of his battle sword. Jack came around another mainframe and shot a Destroyer soldier to death at close range.


Two Destroyer soldiers hid behind a giant mainframe, and Doak used that opportunity to push the mainframe into the wall with the force of his battle sword. The Destroyer soldiers fired and screamed as they were crushed. 


Jack pulled up a rolling chair and put a grenade on the seat. He pushed the chair toward the area where the last Destroyer soldier hid. The Destroyer soldier instinctively spun out and shot the object rolling toward him. His bullets hit the grenade and the explosion knocked him back. Jack finished him off by loading several bullets into his body.


Doak was already at the computer checking for any more intruders. Jack remained behind him, wary of the situation. Doak managed to bring up the thermal scan for the whole building. The dead bodies of Destroyer soldiers, LCPD, and civilians littered the building. Few remained free to run around. A few survivors seemed to be hiding in the building or trying to escape.


Jack figured the three remaining people standing around in another laboratory facility a few floors above them were those detectives and SWAT that he saw run after the other StarRock soldier. He wondered if they managed to find him.


"I cant shut down the laboratory from here." Doak said, "Hyaku knows it... he knew it. This is a distraction... The building takeover... everything. He just needs to recharge and we wont be able to stop him. He didn't need my help. He just needed the facilities."


"We're gonna need to destroy the lab." Jack said.


"That will mean this building needs to be destroyed." Doak said.


"Do we have time to free the hostages?" Jack asked.


"Yes..." Doak said nervously, "Maybe, but I have a feeling thats what he wants us to do. By the time we save them, he'll be far enough along the recharging process where it won't matter whether we save them or not."


Jack took a deep, thoughtful breath. "Then here's the plan..."





Tanner, Chavez, and ONeil made their way down the stairway of the building. They only fought two Destroyer soldiers after the James Vercetti battle. They needed to get to the floor where the hostages were being held. For all they knew, they were the only ones left in the building to save them.


They came to the doorway of the floor, and O'Neil kicked down the door. Chavez threw a flash bang, and screams were heard down the hallway. The three of them quickly charged down the hallway eliminating any enemy they came across. They worked in perfect breach maneuvers. The amount of hostility was drastically less than before, allowing them to reach the entrance to the ballroom, where the hostages were being held.


Tanner charged in with carelessness, but rage over the fact that his partner and best friend was just killed. The hostages screamed as gunfire erupted everywhere. There were actually only a few Destroyer soldiers guarding the hostages. Chavez and O'Neil took them by storm and mowed them down.


A Destroyer soldier took a hostage and used him as a human shield. Tanner didn't care, and fired at the Destroyer soldiers shooting arm. The hostage was hit in the arm a few times and keeled over in pain. At that, Tanner riddled the Destroyer soldier with bullets.


Tanner watched as a woman kicked a Destroyer soldiers gun away and took it. She kicked the Destroyer soldier square in the chest and fired away at his torso. She kneeled down and helped in fighting the remaining hostage takers.


Tanner, ONeil, Chavez, and the mysterious woman hostage miraculously took back the ballroom without any incident, except that three hostages were hit in the crossfire. After a few moments, the hostages got up in a mixed feeling of relief and discomfort. Many hostages took up firearms from the dead Destroyers.


"Where is my brother?" a man asked. He had already picked up an assault rifle.


"Who?" Chavez asked.


"Hyaku," another lady said, finding a handgun, "He is the one you cannot kill."


"What are you talking about?" Tanner said.


Suddenly, Destroyer soldiers piled in through the doors and began to fire. Chavez, O'Neil, and the hostages returned fire and ran for the exit. A large chase began in which they tried to escape the building, with Destroyer soldiers chasing them. Tanner was left behind in the ballroom to fight the rest of them.


He was forced to retreat into the wall, next to he elevator. He pressed the button, but knew the elevators were probably shut down already. He took cover and began to fight overwhelming odds. Soon he realized there were too many Destroyer soldiers closing in on him. He thought to himself that at least the hostages might make it out alive if he kept this group of the enemy busy.


The elevator behind him rang, and gunfire rained out of it. From the side, Tanner could only see bullets spewing out from the elevator at the Destroyer soldiers. A man walked out and grabbed Tanner quickly and threw him into the elevator. The elevator closed, but Tanner pressed himself against the wall as bullets flooded in through the door.





Jack looked at the detective and tried to remember where he had seen this person before.


"Jack Anderson?!" Tanner said, angrily pointing his gun at Jack's face. "I knew you were behind this..."


"Easy," Jack said nonchalantly, "I'm on your side, Detective... Tanner, right?"


Tanner slowly put down his gun and ignored Jacks question. "What are you doing here?"


"There's no time to talk now, I'll explain in a little bit," Jack held his earpiece, where Doak spoke to him from the control room. "Right. I'll be in touch."


"Wait, who is that?" Tanner said, "Who are you talking to?"


"Just follow me and shoot at anyone youre supposed to." Jack said.


The door opened and they were on the 1st subbasement floor. Doak and Jack devised a strategy where Jack would infiltrate the laboratory himself and prevent Hyaku from totally regenerating. Destroying the building was not an option, because the 2nd subbasement had an underground tunnel that Hyaku would most likely escape from.


 Jack was about to rescue the hostages and enlist their help, but since Tanner and the others already saved them, and Tanner was the only one left, Jack decided the two of them would have to do it by themselves. Meanwhile, Doak stayed behind at the control room and interfered with Hyaku's connection with the building's security. Jack and Doak stayed in contact through an earpiece.


The plan would be to wait in a small storage room until Doak gave the ok on the execution. Doak said it would take awhile before he could create enough interference for the plan to work, so Jack decided to tell Tanner his whole story. The two talked for hours and eventually came to a mutual respect for what each other had been through up until that point.


"So what happened over in the Middle East?" Tanner asked Jack, after they both told their stories.


"Well... wait..." Jack held his earpiece, "Doak just gave the ok. You know what to do?"


"Yeah, do you?" Tanner asked, walking out the door with Jack.


Jack simply answered by pressing the detonator to the bomb he placed in the room. They watched as the room exploded, then walked in after a few seconds. The two of them jumped into the wreckage with the ropes they had tied around themselves. They descended into the secret laboratory area rappelling down while shooting at the Destroyer soldiers.


There were only about 6 of them, and by the time Jack and Tanner hit the ground, only two were remaining. Jack and Tanner expertly held their ground as the lights flickered on and off and the machinery malfunctioned, thanks to Dr. Doak. Jack kneeled down shooting, and Tanner was standing over him shooting. Eventually, they killed both of their enemies, when they discovered Hyaku...


He stayed on the regeneration seat and pulled off the wires calmly. He looked up at Jack and Tanner with eyes that made Jack tremble. The sentry guns all focused on Tanner, and androids on the side mobilized to fire at him. Tanner brought out two Uzis to aim at Hyaku, and Jack took out the battle sword that Doak gave to him. Hyaku was cornered, but Jack knew better than to assume that.


In an instant, Hyaku seemed to disappear, and Tanner stayed close to Jack. They heard a noise, similar to a rocket, and watched as Hyaku flew to the ceiling, blocking bullets with his battle sword, and busting a new hole in the ceiling.


"Doak!" Jack growled, "What was that? Hes loose!" Jack listened to Doak speak.


"What did he say?" Tanner asked.


"See those?" Jack pointed to several experiments as he ran toward them.


"Those look like..." Tanner began.


"Jetpacks." Jack said. "Put one on... we're going after Hyaku..."


Tanner impulsively put a jetpack on and listened to Jack repeat what Doak was saying over the earpiece. It had a hydrogen power cell, so they wouldnt need to worry about recharging for awhile. Jack and Tanner learned the basics of how to control them, and followed Hyaku's trail.


The flew through the holes Hyaku made through the building, and arrived outside, where it was nighttime already, but the streets were crammed with National Guard Units, ready to fight the ultimate soldier, now equipped with a battle sword and a jetpack.


            Jack and Tanner floated high above the streets, when a pack of army helicopters flew by an intersection.


            Jack spoke through the intercom on the jetpack headset, "Tanner, Doak, you hear me?"


            "Loud and clear," Doak said.


            "I hear you," Tanner said, "Let's follow those choppers. I bet they're after our guy."


            "Roger." Jack said.


            The two of them blasted off into the night, along with the Army and the National Guard, in the chase to take down Hyaku Kasen

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