Shattered Liberty by CruzaderJC


Chapter 1: City of Liberty
Chapter 2: Caught in the Crossfire
Chapter 3: The Bodyguard
Chapter 4: Mercury Rising
Chapter 5: Streets of Rage
Chapter 6: Shadows of the Mafia
Chapter 7: The Fast and the Furious
Chapter 8: Assassins
Chapter 9: Urban Ops
Chapter 10: Retribution
Chapter 11: The StarRock Project
Chapter 12: Last Man Standing
Chapter 13: Shattered Liberty
Chapter 14: Duel of the Fates
Chapter 15: Die Hard
Chapter 16: Showdown
Character Bios

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Late 1980s
- Vice City is taken over by real estate mongul Tommy Vercetti
- Salvatore Leone rises to the top of mob scene in Liberty City
- Hideo Kasen begins expansion of his Japanese Technology Corporation to America
- Colonel Cortez uses his naval power to begin major arms dealings between North and South America
- Tommy Vercetti, Salvatore Leone, Hideo Kasen, and Cortez form Alliance to combine their resources in taking over all major U.S., Japanese, and South American countries
Early 1990s
- U.S. Army Lieutenant Joseph Anderson is killed in Persian Gulf War
- Hideo's oldest daughter Asuka and oldest son Kenji are given leadership roles within Kasen Technologies and the Alliance. The Kasen Technologies building is developed in Liberty City
Mid 1990s
- Gary and Jeff Anderson's mother and step father murdered in Carser City
- Gary Anderson joins Skulls gang in Carser City to avenge mother's death
- Jeff Anderson joins Skulls gang
- Gary and Jeff Anderson are arrested for Grand Theft Auto and assault. Gary sentenced to prison. Jeff sentenced to juvenile detention.
- Donald Love takes over media empire and forms Love Media Enterprises
Late 1990s
- Jeff Anderson is released and enlists in the U.S. Army
- Donald Love joins the Alliance
- Hyaku Kasen, youngest son of Hideo Kasen is killed in a sword duel in Japan
- StarRock project begins in Alliance science facility in Antractica
- Jeff Anderson passes Ranger training
- Hyaku is revived to life and superhuman experiments are performed on him
- Toni Cipriani is appointed capo of Salvatore Leone's mafia in Liberty City
Early 2000's
- More experiments are held in Antractica base
- Jeff Anderson is promoted to Private First Class
- Columbian Cartel begins major drug dealing operation in Liberty City
- Jeff Anderson's Ranger squad is sent to Iraq
- Leone Clan and Triads begin turf war in the Portland area of Liberty City
- Purple Nines and Red Jacks begin street war
- Jeff Anderson's Ranger squad is attacked by loyalist rebels in Iraq
- Jeff Anderson returns to America and quits the U.S. Army
Mid 2000s
- Jeff Anderson changes his name to Jack and moves to Liberty City
- Jack joins Columbian Cartel
- Columbian Cartel betrays Jack and leave him for dead
- Liberty City Police discover Jack, and decide to use him as bait to uncover the Leone Clan
- Undercover cop Tyrone Johnson, disguised as mechanic 8-Ball, lies to Jack and takes him under his wing to use him to spy on Mafia
- 8-Ball gives Jack a driver job with Mafia member Luigi Goterelli
- Jack takes a job from Joey Leone, but is ambushed by Forelli brothers. Hitmen come to Jack's rescue.
- Jack is given job as Maria Leone's driver. She and her bodyguards are attacked by Triads. She, Jack, and her bodyguard James Vercetti escape to warehouse. James Vercetti is killed by Triads. Jack saves Maria and returns her home.
- Jack welcomed into Leone Clan.
- James Vercetti sent to Antarctica for StarRock project.
- Salvatore becomes aware of Jack's past. He even knows LCPD is spying on the Mafia through him. He decides to use Jack by making him a member of the Hitmen. Assumes Jack will be killed in the Chinatown battle.
- Clan/Triad war escalates
- Jack becomes the 5th member of the Hitmen
- Chinatown war between Clan and Triads. 24 people are killed. Over 100 people are wounded. Toni Cipriani, Vince Fiorentino, and Jack Anderson are the only Hitmen to survive.
- LCPD wants to terminate the operation of using Jack as a spy in the Mafia, but Tyrone Johnson keeps operation going
- Luigi Goterelli killed by Triads
- Vinnie Fiorentino killed by Curly Bob
- Curly Bob killed by Vince Fiorentino
- 8-Ball killed by Leroy Vance. Sent by Salvatore Leone, but frames the Purple Nines for the murder.
- Jack brought into interrogation by Detective Richard Tanner.
- Jack participates in the Diablo street races to find Leroy Vance.
- Jack's mechanic Diego killed by Purple Nines.
- Jack saved by Red Jack gang, who were sent by Salvatore Leone. Salvatore trades Jack's assistance in a Red Jack/Purple Nine battle in exchange for Red Jack members agreeing to becoming genetically engineered Destroyer mercenaries.
- Jack survives Red Jack/Purple Nine battle. Leroy Vance killed by Red Jacks.
- Tommy Vercetti saves Jack. Sent by Maria Leone and Vince Fiorentino. Unknowingly to Jack and Tommy, Maria and Vince are carrying out Salvatore's master plan. Salvatore decided at the last minute not to kill off Jack. He decides Jack and Tommy will be of good use...
- Tommy brings Jack to Avery Towers. He tells Jack that he knows about his past. Tommy is impressed with Jack's performance since his arrival in Liberty. Welcomes Jack into the Alliance as an agent. Tells Jack about how 8-Ball was an undercover cop and Jack was being used all along. He tells Jack that Salvatore had 8-Ball killed and is trying to undermine the Alliance.
- Vince is revealed as an agent for the Alliance. No one is aware he is really only loyal to Salvatore Leone.
- Tommy sends Vince and Jack to kill Salvatore Leone.
- Vince, working as a mole within the Alliance, sends word to Salvatore that Tommy wants him killed. Salvatore uses this to his advantage and arranges for his fake assasination.
- Vince pretends to snipe Salvatore outside Love Media Station. Vince and Jack are wanted as fugitives. They both escape capture. Alliance agent Reiko rescues Jack.
- Vince, Maria, and Salvatore pretend that Salvatore was killed
- Salvatore goes into hiding and begins arrangements for worldwide domination
- Vince and Jack are sent to discover the whereabouts of Columbian Cartel activity
- Maria is sent by Salvatore to keep an eye on Jack
- Vince and Maria are captured by the Columbian Cartel
- Vince tortured by Catalina Sanchez
- Jack single-handedly saves Vince and Maria. Maria kills Catalina Sanchez. Jack destroys the entire Columbian Cartel operations unit in Liberty City.
- Vince immediately sent to StarRock Project
- Jack proclaimed a hero in Alliance and within international intelligence circles such as the CIA, MI6, and Scotland Yard
- Detective Richard Tanner looks into Jack Anderson case, but is stopped by Police Commissioner Ray Machowski. Tanner further investigates Jack Anderson without approval.
Late 2000s
- Alliance travels to Antarctica to visit StarRock Project
- Hyaku is revealed as 100% complete.
- Vince breaks free of StarRock facility. Mindwashes the rest of the StarRock soldiers to do Salvatore Leone's bidding. They take the experimental weapons and spread out across the globe to brainwash mercenaries into becoming an army of Destroyer soldiers.
- Dr. Daniel Doak, the creator of the StarRock project, survives the rebellion
- Simultaneously, major cities all over the world are taken over by Destroyer soldiers and StarRock soldiers.
- Hyaku single-handedly annihilates the Mexican Army and Navy.
- Sydney, Australia; Tokyo, Japan; Beijing, China are overrun by Destroyer soldiers
- Rome, Italy is overrun by StarRock soldier Hester
- Paris, France is overrun by StarRock soldier Apollo
- Jerusalem, Israel is overrun by StarRock soldier Magus
- Toni Cipriani and Joey Leone feud over control of Portland Italian Mafia after the death of Salvatore Leone
- Jack and Reiko sent by Tommy to oversee the situation
- Liberty City under martial law, in fear of World War III spreading to United States
- The Leone Faction, under Joey Leone, and the original Mafia, under Toni Cipriani, spark the largest firefight in Liberty City history at Mama's Ristorante.
- Toni Cipriani killed by Joey Leone
-Jack Anderson kills Joey Leone
- Jack shot, but is saved by Vince, who has returned from Antarctica. Jack sent to the hospital.
- The worldwide death toll rises into the hundred thousands from World War III.
- 100 megaton nuclear bomb explodes over London, England.
- Destroyer soldiers use chemical warfare to seize South America and Africa.
- Middle East terrorist organizations join the Destroyers.
- The United Nations form a war pact to drive the Destroyers out of Europe.
- China fights to drive the Destroyers from the Pacific front.
- Vince smuggles StarRock soldiers, including Hyaku and James Vercetti into Liberty City.
- Destroyer soldiers simultaneously attack major American cities.
- Detectives Richard Tanner and Nick Kang fight the Destroyer soldiers along with the LCPD.
- National Guard called in to fight Destroyers.
- Kasen Corp. building seized by Destroyer soldiers. Hyaku and James Vercetti lead the operation. Salvatore and Maria Leone are smuggled inside. Salvatore concludes his plan of world domination is going perfectly according to plan.
- Everyone in the Kasen Corp. building is taken hostage, including the Alliance members. Dr. Daniel Doak manages to escape capture with his battle sword.
- SWAT teams attempt a large-scale infiltration of Kasen Corp. building.
- Tanner and Kang join the infiltration operation
- Jack, Tommy, and Vince are taken to see Salvatore.
- Salvatore reveals his master plan. Vince and Maria are revealed as traitors. Tommy tricks Salvatore. Tommy shoots Salvatore in the head, killing him. Tommy is mortally wounded himself. Jack fights Vince, but Maria is stabbed during the fight. Jack defeats Vince. Maria dies in Jack's arms. Vince is sorry for all that he had done and lets Jack kill him with the same knife that killed Maria.Tommy dies from his bullet wound.
- Tanner, Kang, and SWAT O'Neil are nearly killed by James Vercetti, but Jack Anderson saves them.
- Jack meets up with Doak, and the two of them try to take back the building.
- James Vercetti is wounded and is backed up into a laboratory room. He puts up a fight with Tanner, Kang, O'Neil and SWAT Chavez.
- James Vercetti kills Nick Kang.
- Richard Tanner kills James Vercetti.
- Jack and Doak take over the main control room and discover Hyaku is already beginning to use the underground facilities to regenerate.
- Tanner, Chavez, and O'Neil rescue hostages.
- Reiko, Chavez, and O'Neul lead hostages out of building.
- Tanner stays behind to fight Destroyer soldiers. Jack saves Tanner
- Jack and Tanner infiltrate the secret underground lab and find Hyaku.
- Hyaku escapes on a jetpack. Jack and Tanner put on jetpacks and follow him.
- U.S. Army helicopter teams chase Hyaku. through the streets of Liberty.
To Be Continued...

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