Shattered Liberty by CruzaderJC
Chapter 1: City of Liberty


Chapter 1: City of Liberty
Chapter 2: Caught in the Crossfire
Chapter 3: The Bodyguard
Chapter 4: Mercury Rising
Chapter 5: Streets of Rage
Chapter 6: Shadows of the Mafia
Chapter 7: The Fast and the Furious
Chapter 8: Assassins
Chapter 9: Urban Ops
Chapter 10: Retribution
Chapter 11: The StarRock Project
Chapter 12: Last Man Standing
Chapter 13: Shattered Liberty
Chapter 14: Duel of the Fates
Chapter 15: Die Hard
Chapter 16: Showdown
Character Bios

... who stumbles upon a city...


Chapter 1: City of Liberty

            Jack woke up and realized he was on a bed in a strange room. The room was very small, and only had a bed and table, with some clothes lying around. He heard a TV droning in the other room and got up to try to find out where he was. The next room was a little bigger, and had a small kitchen to one side, and a couch and TV on the other.

            "Hey, you're up finally," said a man who looked over from the couch.

            "Where am I?" said Jack, as he picked up a bat close to him, "And who are you?"

            "Whoa, chill man," the man said with his hands up, "The name's 8-Ball. I was at the docks and I saw what went down. I pulled you outta the water myself before the cops got there. Yo, I'm not sure who you are, but I do know that you had something to do with that bank robbery last night."

            "I'm not telling you anything," Jack said defensively with the bat in a swing position.

            "Hey! Hold up, yo!" 8-Ball backed up, "I'm not gonna take you in. I ain't too friendly with the law myself. Used to be a Hood back in Shoreside. I messed my hands up during the Red Jack street war last year."

            "The street war?" Jack noticed 8-Balls bandaged hands, "Your hands... from the aparment arsons?"

            "Ya," said 8-Ball, "screwed 'em up..." he shook his head, "So where are you from anyway? You got a name?"

            "Jack," he said factually.

"Where do you live?" 8-Ball asked

"I'm new here," Jack said.

            "So how'd you get mixed up with the Cartel?" 8-Ball asked. "Don't tell me you didn't notice! Ya, those guys you helped were the Columbian Cartel and they're definitely not to be trusted. At all. But if you want a real job, I can get you one. It's for this guy named Luigi."

            "Isn't he the one that owns that Club in the Red Light District?" Jack asked.

            "Ya," 8-Ball answered, "he needs a driver. Y'know, to take his girls around town and stuff. Dont worry, it shouldn't get you in trouble with the law or anything like that. He just needs a new driver. It pays big bucks. So what'll it be? Do you want the job? Good. We can head over there right now after we get you a bite to eat first."

            8-Ball drove Jack to a small diner. Jack ate furiously, for he had not eaten since the day before. Afterwards, they drove over to Luigi's Club, where they went around to the back entrance. Guarding that door was a big, black-suited man in shades, reaching for his Uzi as 8-Ball and Jack approached.

            "Oh, 8-Ball," he stopped going for his gun when he realized it was 8-Ball, "How you doin'?"

            "'Sup Mario," 8-Ball said, " Tell Luigi I'm here."

            Jack kept a cautious eye on the guard's gun. He wasn't quite sure of any of this. He didn't know these people, and the presence of a weapon made him uncomfortable. The door opened and many more guards came out looking at 8-Ball and Jack. They went to frisk them for weapons, but Jack instinctively stepped back in defense.

            "Chill man," 8-Ball said with a smile, "They just wanna make sure you ain't packin' heat."

            Jack reluctantly allowed it and the guards motioned someone to come out. It was a man in a blue suit and slick hair, who Jack assumed was Luigi.

            "'Ey," Luigi exclaimed, "8-Ball! Nice to see ya! Since you don't work the bar on Sundays, you must be here for the girls, eh?"

            "Hey bro," 8-Ball patted Luigi on the arm, "Nah, I'm not workin' today, but my friend here is up for the job you were talkin' about. I'll see you around Jack."

            "Hey, you have fun," Luigi said as 8-Ball went in, "Alright, so let's talk business. If you're a friend of 8-Balls, then maybe I might trust you in the future. But you gotta prove to me I can rely on you, alright? So, if you're up to it, I got a job for you right now. Its a simple driver job. Just pick up this girl across the street from the hospital. She'll be waving, and she knows you're coming in 8-Ball's Kuruma. But you gotta remember. You keep you're hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. No one messes with my girls. You screw this up and youll never set foot on Leone territory again. Got it? Good. See you later if you wanna work for me full time. We'll talk about your wages later. Alright, so see ya... oh, wait, what's your name? Jack? Alright, Jack, you better not be a scum bag. I'll be watching you."

            "Yes sir," Jack nodded, as Luigi went back into the music-pounding Club.

            Jack got went back into 8-Ball's car and opened up the map of the Portland area of Liberty City that 8-Ball gave to him before they left. He found his way to the hospital, and saw a girl waving to him from the front. He stopped and she got into the front seat.

            "Hi, I'm Misty," she said, chewing her gum, "So you're the new driva?"

            "Yes ma'am," Jack said, looking at the road ahead of him as he was driving back to Luigi's Club."

            "So where are you from?" Misty asked.

            "I've been around," Jack said, "But I haven't been here in Liberty much."

            "Really?" she sounded surprised, "well, take it from me. I've seen a lotta guys work well under Luigi, and now they're honorary members of the Leone family Clan. But you gotta watch yourself with these guys. You make too many mistakes and you'll pay. Trust me, I've seen a lot of 'em disappear. But if you play your cards right, you could really make it around here. After all, this is the city of Liberty."

            Jack thought about that, as he drove her back in the afternoon sunset.

The New Maibatsu Monstrosity. Mine's bigger. So don't copy, or I'll crush you.