Shattered Liberty by CruzaderJC
Chapter 12: Last Man Standing


Chapter 1: City of Liberty
Chapter 2: Caught in the Crossfire
Chapter 3: The Bodyguard
Chapter 4: Mercury Rising
Chapter 5: Streets of Rage
Chapter 6: Shadows of the Mafia
Chapter 7: The Fast and the Furious
Chapter 8: Assassins
Chapter 9: Urban Ops
Chapter 10: Retribution
Chapter 11: The StarRock Project
Chapter 12: Last Man Standing
Chapter 13: Shattered Liberty
Chapter 14: Duel of the Fates
Chapter 15: Die Hard
Chapter 16: Showdown
Character Bios

The danger begins to grow beyond his ability to handle...

Chapter 12: Last Man Standing


            "Jack!" Maria screamed.


            At that instant, he felt the force of a bite-size train hit his back. He didn't know where the bullet came from... it all went too fast. He flew from the force of it and landed on the ground hard, hitting the side of his head on the sidewalk. The gunshots continued as he began to black out. Thoughts whizzed through his mind as the world around him went into slow motion and he began to recall how he ended up in the engulfing darkness he was now in...




            "Look," Tommy said to Jack, "It's on the news already."


            The two of them were walking through a hospital waiting room to visit Dr. Doak, one of the only survivors from the Antarctica accident. They stopped to look at a Special Report on a TV station.


            You are looking at footage taken from Mexico just moments ago. A little-known Mexican rebel group known as El Destructor has been unleashing massive countrywide attacks on government facilities.


            The played videos of smoking cities, tanks rolling through streets, and armed men with masks destroying everything in their way.


            While El Destructor has long been under the watchful eye of the Mexican government, officials are baffled as to how the rebel group has managed to tackle the force of the nations army and navy by themselves. Since last night, when the attacks began, more than 1000 people have died in the fighting.


            The Mexican government has stated that intelligence reports dismissed El Destructor as a small threat to the nation and that the small rebel force could not possibly have carried out an attack of this large scale alone. Our intelligence analyst... I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, were getting a live video from the Theca beach, where the Mexican Navy is launching a counter-strike against a rebel base on the shore. We're taking you to the scene right now...


            The video was filmed from a helicopter overlooking the beach. Mexican troops were beginning to land on the shore as their Navy covered them from off shore. The rebels seemed to be losing when a large explosion took out a large group of national troops. The firing stopped, and everyone in the waiting room squinted his or her eyes at the television to see what was happening.


            "Whaddya know.. it's Mr. Happy," Tommy sarcastically said.


            The television showed Hyaku wearing a battle suit, stepping out of the beach bunker with a battle sword. He was pointing it at the soldiers, and then pointed it straight up. As he did that, all their metallic items were ripped off the troops, and floated high in the air. Most troops were lifted up themselves, some detaching their own equipment and falling back to the ground. He swung his battle sword back down and all the equipment fatally fell on all the soldiers. The grenades must have been triggered, for seconds later, the heap of men exploded.


            He waved the battle stick around like a magic wand eliminating the remaining soldiers. No one had a chance. His battle suit was bulky red titanium, and he didnt have the helmet on, for he was carrying it under his left arm. When all the troops were killed, he snapped his helmet on, and the large visor gleamed in the sun.


            The people in the waiting room began to talk amongst each other in confusion. Jack could also hear the reporters and the cameraman cursing in bewilderment.


            "What in the world..." the TV anchor was heard saying.


            Hyaku began to levitate, something Dr. Doak had explained as having to do with the suit pulling itself away or toward a metallic source. Helicopters began to fly into the beach to attack. They fired missiles at him, but they all were deflected by his suit's magnetic field. He casually pushed them away with arm movements.


            The helicopters changed positions and seemed to be ready to fire again. The bulk of armor that was Hyaku just levitated there. Suddenly he was gone, and the helicopters began to break apart. Two of them seemed to be thrown together.


            An explosion was heard, and the camera moved far off to where a Navy ship was smoking. All the ships suddenly seemed to be blowing up. Explosions were heard everywhere, and in an instant the video feed was cut. The people in the waiting room started a racket of confusion.


            Ladies and gentlemen, we seem to have lost all communication with Theca beach, but we are in the process of trying to... wait, we have just gotten word that similar attacks have just started in Australia. Unconfirmed reports of an entire Australian Army base being wiped out by another rebel force are coming in...


            "Come on," Tommy headed off to Dr. Doaks room, and Jack followed.


            They passed through the nearly empty hospital hallways. Everyone in the building seemed to be glued to the TV. The whole world was probably watching. Tommy found his room and burst in.


            "Dan! Wake up, now!" Tommy ordered a sleeping Dr. Doak.


            "... Hrmuh?" Doak woke up, "Tommy? Jack? What are you two d..." Tommy had turned on the television, and images of destruction all over the world were being shown.


            "Yea, you guessed it," Tommy said, nodding his head with anger, "It's your lovely boys."


            "Oh no..." The TV mesmerized Doak.


            "Dr. Doak," Jack spoke up, "How do we stop them? Hyaku took out the Mexican Navy, and another one destroyed an Australian Army base."


            "We can't..." Doak said with guilty sadness, "No one can. We... I made Hyaku to be indestructible. The other ones are almost as powerful."


            "How powerful?" Tommy asked.


            "Well, Hyaku is the only one with a biological engine, but..." Doak seemed to have an epiphany, "WAIT! Hyaku is the only one with a biological engine."


            "So what?" Tommy impatiently said.


            Dr. Doak continued, "Even if Hyaku is the most powerful of them all, his biological engine is still not ready for prolonged use outside of the laboratory. Eventually, he'll need me to refix it. Over time, he'll get weaker and weaker. The biological engine will start to fail. He's different from the other soldiers. His biological engine maintains all his genetic and biomechanical upgrades. When his engine goes out, he's done."


            "So all we have to do is wait..." Tommy muttered, "How long until he'll be weak enough to actually... get killed?"


            "Well, how long has it been since he broke out of the Project?" Doak asked.


            "About 4 days."


            "Then he should have already started to weaken," Doak nodded, "It will take about 3 more days until he becomes fully inoperable. Longer than that and he will die."


            "What about the other soldiers?" Jack asked.


            Doak sighed, "Well, it will be difficult, but its doable. First we have to concentrate on Hyaku. He is easily twice as powerful as the rest of the soldiers put together. Where is he now?"


            "Somewhere in Mexico blowing up stuff," Tommy said. "He's got that crazy suit and fancy baton you made too."


            "Yes," Doak said, "When they broke out, they were only able to steal 4 suits and one battle sword. We destroyed the rest before that could get them."


            "Dan," Tommy said, "You're gonna have to remake all that stuff to fight these guys. We need it yesterday."


            "But where will I have the resources for that?" Doak asked.


            "Kasen Technologies building." Tommy said, "You can use the underground lab there. They're getting things ready for you right now. Lets go."


            Things were desperate, and Jack felt helpless. He knew Tommy was starting to feel helpless too. Dr. Doak was their only opportunity at fighting the supersoldiers. In his genius, he developed soldiers that were nearly undefeatable. Now in his genius, he needed to figure out a way to stop them.


             The three of them left the hospital and Jack drove them to Kasen Technologies, where most of the Alliance was waiting. Underneath Kasen Technologies was a secret lab, where they were already beginning to make weapons to fight the supersoldiers.


            The Alliance contacted the CIA and was now working hand in hand to destroy the threat. The rest of the day, every Alliance member had a part in helping Dr. Doak remake the technologies. By nighttime, they had only begun to make several battle suits and battle androids.


Jack was helping by moving a heavy computer mainframe when Tommy gave him a page to go upstairs to the Alliance conference room. When he arrived, he found several Alliance agents standing there, Reiko being one of them.


"Alright, we're all here." Tommy got up from his chair. "The reason I called you up is because the world is going crazy with Hyaku and the other maniacs running around. People are panicking, and its starting to become chaos out there."


"We just got word from the street that Joey Leone and the faction of the Italian Mafia still loyal to him are planning to make a truce with Toni tonight. Things could get messy. They're taking advantage of the mayhem. He thinks were too busy to worry about the Italian Mafia now. Well, we're not.


"I know weve got bigger fish to fry, but I'm sending you six over to Portland to clean up that mess so we dont have to worry about it anymore. Toni Cipriani is the Don in this city, and thats how I want it to stay that way. If things go sour, you kill Joey and his faction, got it? Do whatever it takes to keep our interests in Liberty stable. God knows were not handling it very well overseas."


At that, the six agents immediately suited up. They all wore black leather and trench coats. Each took weapons of their choice, but made sure to keep them concealed. Jack considered trouble that night, and brought as many handguns as he could, just in case. In total, he had 12 handguns clipped to his ankles, thighs, belt, and chest.


They were all professional, and knew what to do. They took three black cars and drove to Portland, which took about 15 minutes, considering people didnt want to go out on the streets because of the threat of the chaos hitting Liberty City. So far, the Destroyer rebel force had not attacked on US soil, but looting and riots were rampant throughout the city. The police would be too busy to notice the Mafia meeting.


The mission was simple, yet complex. The six agents would need to monitor Toni Cipriani, and step in if things got heated. They worked in silence and things would be kept under their control if all went according to plan.


            Jack drove Reiko, and all three cars stopped at Mama's Ristorante, where Toni was waiting. The six of them got out and walked toward the restaurant, with trench coats blowing back in the cool night air. It was dark, but they all wore sunglasses that gave them a haunting look.


When they came inside, the place was packed with Mafia members. Some of them looked on jealously at Jack. They knew about his story. They knew he killed the Don. They knew how lucky he had been to make it into the Alliance as quickly as he did. He was the envy of everyone in the Mafia. He always had been. Jack had never realized that as much as he did when he walked in.


            "Glad you guys could make it," Toni said, sitting down at a table in the center of the restaurant. He gave Jack an awkward welcome, "Eh... Jack, haven't seen you in awhile. But we got it all covered here. Joey would be stupid to try anything."


            "We're just here to make sure he doesn't," Jack said, feeling strange that he was professionally looking down on his one-time boss and friend.


            They waited there for a couple hours after that. All the Alliance agents stood by the windows and went outside to make sure everything was okay. Eventually, a pack of cars showed up in front of the restaurant. Every Mafia member got ready for hostility.


            Joey Leone came confidently through the front door and walked toward Toni's table. He gave a menacing look to the side at Jack as he passed by. Jack's eyes were hidden behind his sunglasses, but inside he felt awful, remembering he had killed this man's father. He struggled to keep a blank face.


            "You hungry?" Toni asked, as Joey sat down. Members of Joey's faction began to flood into the restaurant, all of them holding a weapon.


            "No, I'm good." Joey replied.


            "So what are you here for?" Toni asked with a condescending tone, beginning to nervously squirm as he watched more and more Faction members come in.


           "I'm here to settle this." Joey said, "I'm tired of being on the run from you guys. Just give me some cash and we call a truce. Half of what you took from my pop."


            "I didnt take anything." Toni said, grinding his teeth.


            "Good, then you wouldnt mind giving me all of what's mine then," Joey said with a threatening grin.


            As the two of them began to calmly argue, Jack and the other Alliance agents stood around the room watching the Mafia and Faction members, in case anyone decided to open fire. Things were tense, and one shot would result in a bloodbath. There were almost 100-armed men inside and outside the restaurant. It was more dangerous than the Alliance agents expected.


            Suddenly, one Faction member's walkie-talkie went off loud, and he quickly reached down to fix it. Jack saw a Mafia member misinterpret the action, and he took out his gun. In an instant, Faction members and Mafia members all began to take out their guns.


            Jack instinctively took out two pistols, and went to guard Toni. Gunshots went off everywhere. Jack was too late, for Toni slid off his chair, and blood stained the seat. Joey had shot him from under the table. Jack's heart sank, his adrenaline surged, and things began to happen in slow motion.


            Jack immediately aimed his two pistols at the pack of Faction members acting as a human shield for Joey. He fired one pistol at them and ran shooting at other Faction members near the window. Bullets were flying everywhere, and he needed to move fast.


            He pummeled one Faction member through the window, and glass shattered and they landed in a bush outside. Jack quickly put the pistol to the Faction members throat and squeezed a bullet into it. He looked around quickly, and realized most people had gone inside for the fighting. He threw away his used guns and brought out two new ones. Jack got up firing at the pack of Faction soldiers still escorting Joey to a car.


            He took many of them down, but they began to fire at him. Jack hid behind a car, and tried to return fire. There were too many of them. He peeked around the car, and realized Joey had driven away. There was no way Jack was going to be able to catch him, but he saw an Alliance car speed off after it. Jack assumed the other Alliance agents were going to handle Joey. Jack needed to get back inside and find the other Alliance agents.


The gunshots were still rampant, and more cars began to drive to the scene of the restaurant. It was becoming an all out street war. It reminded Jack of the Chinatown incident, only this one was worse. He fired at a Faction member shooting an M16 at the restaurant from where he was standing in the middle of the road. Jack ran toward his falling body, and picked up his assault rifle and magazines. He rolled under a parked car as people from the restaurant shot at him.


He pressed his back against the car and looked for somewhere to go. There was a Faction car coming from his right, so he shot the driver with the assault rifle. The car swerved right into the restaurant, knocking down the wall and distracting everyone.


Jack quickly aimed his gun to the left, just in case anyone was there, and he saw an Alliance member running to him. It was Reiko. She dove over the hood of the car as two bullets hit the side of it.


"Where's Leone?" Reiko yelled over the sound of gunshots.


"He drove off, but one of our guys went after him." Jack answered, keeping his assault rifle pointed down the sidewalk they were crouched on.


"Let's get back to our car," Reiko said, looking at their Alliance car not too far away from where they were.


"You ready?" Jack picked up his M16.


"Let's do it," Reiko nodded, picking up her two Uzis.


Reiko got up and ran as fast as she could toward their car, as Jack stood up and fired at anything that shot at her. He kept everyone at bay with his assault rifle, and distracted them so Reiko could get to the car safely. After a couple seconds, he went back down, and looked to their car. Reiko had gotten in safely, and drove the car toward Jack.


It stopped near him, and he got into the backseat quickly. Bullets kept hitting the car, but they weren't concerned, for it was bulletproof. Reiko turned the car around and headed in the direction of where the other Alliance agents were.


"Bristow and Dixon are dead," Reiko said of two of the agents. The two remaining were chasing Joey.


"Where are Vaughn and Weiss?" Jack asked, while reloading his clip.


"They stopped at the printing shop on Arthur St." Reiko said, speeding down the road as fast as she could.


When they arrived at the building, several cars were hastily parked out front. They were all Faction cars, except Vaughn and Weiss's car. Jack and Reiko burst out and ran toward their car with guns ready to fire. When they realized no one was inside, they heard erratic gunshots inside the printing shop.


It was a large printing shop, and had three floors. Jack didn't think it was safe to take on all those Faction members in the building by themselves, but Vaughn and Weiss might have needed their help, and Joey Leone was probably in there. Deep inside Jack just wanted to get Vaughn and Weiss out of there and leave, but Tommy ordered them to kill Joey. Jack was bound to his orders.


Jack and Reiko pressed themselves against each side of the entrance door. Reiko opened it and threw in a flash-bang and a smoke grenade. She flew in, shooting her Uzis at all the Faction members standing around while flying sideways through the air. As they took aim at her, Jack came in through the doorway behind her, shooting his assault rifle.


By the time Reiko got back up, all the Faction soldiers in the first floor were dead. There was a staircase going alongside of the large printing room, and Jack went up it, while Reiko covered him from the ground, behind a printing machine. When Jack reached the top, he crouched behind a copying machine next to a closed door.


He heard gunshots beneath him, as Reiko took fire from several Faction members coming out a door on her level. At the same time, the door next to the copying machine opened, and Jack shot at whoever came out. The next person brought his arm out to shoot at Jack with a submachine gun.


Jack crouched behind the copying machine for cover. The one firing went to stand on top of the copying machine to fire at Jack. Jack kicked out from the copying machine and slid on his back, firing his assault rifle at the Faction soldier standing on the machine.


Jack fired the rest of his clip in the doorway, hoping all his bullets would ricochet into whoever was still behind it. He reloaded his clip and went inside. There was no one inside, but he heard the gunshots continue downstairs. He was about to turn around to help Reiko, when a familiar voice startled him from inside a locker. He aimed his gun at it as it slowly opened.


"Jack?" Maria came out with her hands in the air. "Don't shoot."


"Maria?" Jack put his gun down, and went to her, then focused his gun on the doorway near her. "You shouldn't be out. Stay in the locker, you'll be safe there."


She was about to go in, when bullets from downstairs poured in through the door. He quickly pushed Maria into the next room, which was another very large printing room. He ran over to crouch behind a printing machine. Maria followed him and stayed next to him.


"Jack?" Maria whispered.


"What?" Jack whispered back, while looking over the printing machine.


"Joey's here on the other side of the room."


Jack immediately peeked around and saw Joey and two Faction members loading guns. He saw bodies of Faction soldiers all over the floor of this printing room, and noticed the bodies of Vaughn and Weiss lying there too. Jack assumed Reiko was dead, so it was up to him to kill Joey Leone.


He took out the only grenade he had and tossed it back into the room where he found Maria. He blew it up so no one could come upstairs. When Joey and his two bodyguards heard this, they began to fire in Jack and Maria's direction.


"Maria, stay here." Jack said, returning fire. "Stay down."


"Jack..." she said, Are you going to... kill him?"


Jack looked at her and hesitated, "Yes."


"But... he's my brother," Maria said, the tone in her voice almost pleading with him to not do it.


            Jack turned away, "I'm sorry."


At that, Jack released the rest of his bullets into the machine that one bodyguard was hiding behind. All the bullets must have passed through, because Jack saw him keel over. Jack wanted to kill the bodyguards first, because it seemed like Joey only had a pistol with him.


Jack ran out of bullets for his assault rifle, and threw it to the side. He ran alongside of the room, shooting an AK47 he picked up. He pinned down one bodyguard with the storm of bullets. Jack had circled around him and filled him with bullets.


Jack immediately crouched down, because he didn't know where Joey was. Everything was quiet. Jack didnt have many bullets left in his AK47, but didn't want to put it down, because Joey could have been hiding everywhere. Jack tried to listen over the sound of his heavy breathing and beating heart.


"So, Jack" Joey yelled from the other side of the room, where Jack had come in. "You killed my father, and now you want to kill me... I trusted you, you backstabber! I gave you your first job here! I made you, and this is what you do?! I should have known better than to trust you! So now..."


"Don't!" Maria screamed


Jack peeked around the corner and saw Joey holding a pistol to Maria's head.


"NO!" Jack exclaimed.


"Put down your weapon," Joey said. "We all know what's been going on with you and my sis. If youre gonna take me down, I want you to feel the pain of loss like you've made us all feel."


"Stop!" Jack yelled, throwing the AK down and getting up with his hands raised. "Stop. Fine. Let her go. She doesn't have anything to do with this."


"...Hey, I'm not the bad guy here!" Joey said. Stop making this seem like I am! You are! You destroyed my life... Get out of here." He pushed Maria away, and she ran off to a fire escape.


Maria stopped to look at Jack, standing there with his arms raised.


"Go," Jack said, thinking it would be the last time he would see her, or anyone for that matter.


Joey was still far across the room with two pistols in his hands. They weren't pointed at Jack. Joey was about to talk again. Here goes nothing Jack took that opportunity to quickly reach behind his belt and bring out his two pistols.


Joey aimed his guns at Jack and began to fire while running to his right. At the same time, Jack fired his, and ran to his right as well. Bullets flew by Jack so close that he almost felt them. He dived sideways behind a printing machine, while still firing at Joey Leone, who went behind a printing machine at the same time. Jack pressed his back against it and took out two new pistols from his ankle band.


"Only one of us can come out as the last man standing, Jack." Joey called out from across the room from behind his printing machine, seemingly amused. Jack assumed Joey developed a sort of insanity since he last saw him.


Jack and Joey got up and began to fire at each other again. This time, they were shooting, parallel to each other across the room. Jack was running to his left and Joey was running to his right. They ran fast while shooting, and neither of them scored a shot.


It almost seemed like a race to whoever could get to the wall first. Jack did, and ran out of bullets for his pistol when he reached it. He had a lot of momentum, so jumped on top of another printing machine and kicked off the wall. He spun in mid-air while taking out his last two pistols.


He hit the ground on his right side while shooting the pistols frantically at a still-moving Joey, who had run out of bullets, and was trying to reload while running. Jack hit him in the side a few times, and Joey dropped his guns. He held his side and staggered into the middle of the room. Jack kept his pistols fixed on him.


He was sprawled out on the floor, and a pool of blood leaked out from under him. For the moment, Jack was satisfied he won the duel.


"You ruined... everything..." he gurgled, as blood flowed out of his mouth. "Y'know..." he started to laugh while coughing, "...I bet you thought you were better than us... haha... but you ended up being one of us anyway... and the funny part is... you're worse... at least we're human... you... haha... you're not human... you're just... Tommy's puppet... thought you could make a life for yourself here... no... you lose... you're just a killing machine... you're... worse..." He sputtered some more inaudible words, and his eyes went out of focus. He died.


Jack walked past his body, and went to check on Maria. As he expected, she was still waiting outside the window. She was crying, watching her brother die.


"Lets go," Jack said, grabbing her arm.


"No!" Maria said. She looked at Jack like he never thought she would look at him. "I told you the city would get to you... Get away from me!" She began to run away.


"Maria, wait!" Jack went after her. He felt horrible about what had happened. He really had turned into the monster she thought he would become.


She went out into the street, where the firing continued. Reiko was still alive, fighting the Faction by herself. Jack ran out there and grabbed Maria. She struggled, but he tried pushing her back into the alley, where it was safe. He heard Reiko far behind him.


"GET DOWN!" she yelled.


Instinctively, Jack pushed Maria back into the alleyway with all his might. He was about to go around the corner, when bullets dangerously hit the wall near him.


            "Jack!" Maria screamed.


At that instant, he felt the force of a bite-size train hit his back. He didn't know where the bullet came from... it all went too fast. He flew from the force of it and landed on the ground hard, hitting the side of his head on the sidewalk. The gunshots continued as he began to black out...




He woke up on his stomach, on what seemed like a hospital bed. He flipped himself around in pain, for his back hurt from the bullet that hit him. Luckily he had a bulletproof vest. He looked around, and Maria was sleeping on a chair beside his bed.


"What happened?" Jack asked.


"Jack! You're awake!" Maria hugged him.


"Argh." Jack grunted from the pain.


"Oh," Maria laughed, "Haha, I'm sorry. I'm just so happy youre awake now."


"How long have I been asleep?" Jack asked, expecting startling news, like he had been unconscious for weeks.


"About... 8 hours?" Maria said. "Hey! He's awake!" she yelled to outside the room.


"Where am I?" Jack asked, rubbing his head, for he hit it hard when he landed.


            "The hospital, duh." She said amusingly.


            A nurse came in and helped him get more comfortable. Maria and Jack talked about what had happened with everything that night. Jack found out Reiko made it out safely.  Vince had suddenly shown up and rescued them all. They left Jack at the hospital with Maria. She stayed with him until morning, because the hospital attendants were too busy with all the people hurt from the rioting and looting on the streets.


            Jack was confused as to why Maria all of a sudden wasn't mad at him anymore. He tried to apologize about what he had become. He told her about how he felt less and less human as he became more of a killing machine. Maria said she'd never forgive him for killing both her brother and father, but said he's all she had left. All she wanted now was for him to turn away from the killing.


            "Promise me its over." She said.


            "I broke our last promise," Jack replied.


            "My mom used to tell us, promises are like mirrors," Maria said, "If you dont break them, you can still the reflection of who you are..."


            "I shattered it, didnt I?" Jack said.


            "We can find out who you really are together... we'll be a promise to each other... nothing would shatter that..."


            They fell asleep talking, and it reminded Jack of when he used to work for the Mafia and they used to talk like this. He missed it, and was happy she was next to him that night. He heard the droning of the TVs in the hallways talking about the destruction taking place, but he didn't care.


            Jack wanted it all to stop. He was sick of the violence now. He didn't want to worry about what to do about having to fight these overwhelming odds. The world seemed to be coming down around him, but he just wanted to be next to Maria. When he was with her like this, he felt happy.


            He stayed at the hospital for the rest of the next day with Maria. They left together around midday, and he brought her to a bus station. He wanted her to take the bus to a small town in Canada. She had taken a large portion of her father's inheritance. They would be set for life.


            They were in each others arms while the bus was boarding.


            "Come with me," Maria said, her hair blowing in the wind, "We can leave all this behind. Just you and me, living a happy life together."


            "No, you go now..." Jack said, "I want, more than anything, just to start a new life with you, but there are some things I need to do first. Just wait for me in a couple days, I'll follow you there."


            "But... I'm afraid, Jack," Maria said, "Things would be so perfect if you just left with me now. Something might happen to you. You're all I have... With all this going on in the news..."


            "I know..." Jack looked away, "Don't worry... this one's not my fight... but I need to know that everything's going to be okay first. Don't worry about me. Nothing's gonna happen. We're going to live that life together."


            "I'll be waiting for you..." Maria looked at him with sadness, as if she'd never see him again.


            They kissed and she waved goodbye to him as she boarded the bus. A feeling of utter depression sunk in as he watched her go. He wanted to leave Liberty and go with her, but he wouldn't be able to go on without knowing if the supersoldiers could be stopped.




            Once the bus left, he drove back to Kasen Technologies. They were still working on ways of defeating the supersoldiers. Jack was hastily called up to Tommy's room, where Reiko, Vince, and the key Alliance members waited. Jack gave Vince a "thank you" nod, and Vince returned it.


Everyone was quiet, and Tommy was on the phone. He had a terrified look on his face, like none of them had ever seen before. He put the phone down slowly, and leaned back on his chair sighing.


"What happened?" Donald Love asked.


"Look," Tommy turned on the TV.


Pictures of people lying all over the streets were shown. It was in Liberty City. Someone was killing people at random on the street in broad daylight, and the entire Liberty City police force was after him.


Who is it? Kenji Kasen asked.


"It's your brother," Tommy said gravely, "Hyaku... He's here... In Liberty City...


The countdown to showdown has begun...